The most important piece of accessory any girl needs is her bag, because it holds everything that helps her survive the day, especially at college. I remember that I used to spend a lot of hours at college, and my bag helped me go through my busy day. It held my personal things, my books, and some bags could even fit a laptop. So, let me help you make the transition from school style to college style go smooth. Scroll down to see which types of bags you need to have for the ultimate college style.
1. Backpack
Backpacks are everyone's favorite bag at the moment, because designers are making them look so stylish. So, if you wear a backpack at college, you won't be channeling a school look, you'll actually be trendy, and it's practical too.
Instagram: @okhtein
2. Fanny Pack
This bag was a big hit in the 80's and the 90's, and it made a strong come back in 2017. So, if you're looking for a cool, celebrity look kind of style, then you'll love to stroll through college halls wearing a belt bag.
3. Crossbody Bag
One of the most practical bags you can wear at college is the crossbody bag. And the good news is that they never go out of style!
4. Tote Bag
I love tote bags, because they hold everything you can imagine. Some days, you have to go to college with books, a laptop and your personal things. Only a tote bag can endure all of that!
Main Image Credits: Instagram @rocio0sorno