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Post #81: Back Again!

Author Luci ~
Time 12/7/19, 12:00 AM
Post #81: Back Again!

Hey lovely,

I'm Luci, and for the ones who don't know me, I used to write for Fustany, but then had to stop because I got very busy with my wedding preparations and marital life, but now I'm back for good. A bit more about me, so you wouldn't feel left out not knowing who I am, I'm a PR girl, who loves style and I'm just trying to fit into this crazy world (probably just like you). I have weird family and friends who I adore, and a husband who I'll be telling you more about. You might see life as a glass half empty or half full, but I see it as a bucket of ice-cream. You could read all about me and my stories right here: Luci's Column

I took it a mission upon myself to continue writing to you ladies, more frequently, but straighter to the point. I'll be sharing some tips from my daily life, a little bit of a story here and there, you'll get to know what happened in my life all this time. Today I'm going to discuss three different things. Are you ready?


I've heard it here and there that the first year of marriage is quite tough, and mine was no exception. I'm not talking about the regular trouble couples have to go through, but rather finding out completely new things about my husband Faisal, which I was not aware of. Has that happened to you? I'll share with you our drama in another post I promise. But for now, I'm trying to keep my marriage a bit exciting, despite of what happened later. I came up with a few ideas such as taking a vacation together, which is obvious, but since our interests are different, a trip never came to mind. I tried planning game nights with friends, which turned out to be a success. I suggested going to cooking classes together, since he's a foodie and I'm not a good cook. Trying out new things together as a couple is normally a good idea, maybe tango classes? But you know what the problem was? He started pushing for the idea of having a baby, and to be honest with you, I'm wasn't ready yet. Not at all!


As soon as I got married, my mum made the decision to revive her youth years again, and travel with my dad to new destinations they've never been to. I'm not sure how, but my mum up until this day still mixes up my size; be it pants, bras, shoes or dresses. She came back super excited from Spain, and got me two designer shoes I loved. The ballerinas looked fantastic, but as soon as I put my foot into them, I realized they were a size smaller. So I decided to do a DIY of my own. I got out my thickest cotton socks, wore them, and then wore the shoes. Next up I used my hair dryer, with medium hot air, around the tight or uncomfortable areas. I made sure to keep my distance (the hair dryer from the shoe) so I wouldn't end up ruining them. I did that for about 2 minutes, then took off my socks and tried the shoes again, and was thankful it actually worked for me.


You know that friend of yours who doesn't really care about being in a relationship, or doesn't show they care? All of you keep on pressuring her/him to make some time apart from work to meet someone? Well, Mona my entrepreneur friend who loves her work to an extent that it has become part of who she is, is exactly that person. We were sitting the other day together and the topic of first dates came up. She then mentioned that she last went out on a date more than a year ago, and that's when I put my charming face on to convince her to give one of her acquaintances who has been asking her out several times a chance. His name was Mahmoud, he was a few years older than her, well-built, brown hair with hazelnut brown eyes. He also happened to be super successful in his field. Mona was nervous she would ruin things, and that's why she always declined. As soon as Dina and Habiba (our 2 closest friends) heard about her agreeing to go out on that date, we all pitched in on ideas to help her loosen up a bit. Wear something red, was the first piece of advice we gave her. So if you or any of your friends are going out on a first date soon, I thought it could be useful to share with you some of the other tips we gave Mona, which include: eat whatever you want, be who you are because you'll be most comfortable and relaxed in that state. Don't give out too much about yourself, mysterious is always exciting. You shouldn't forget about eye contact and your cute smile. Don't interrogate him, but be interested; ask about the details in-between the lines. Play a little game called two truths and one lie, it's a great ice-breaker and you end up learning a lot about each other. Lastly, end the date a bit earlier than you would normally have, it leaves him craving more.

Do you have any exciting first date tips? Reply to this post to let me know :)

Don't forget to check Fustany every Saturday at 11:00 AM (Cairo time) for my new post.

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If you enjoyed this post, don't miss out on reading the rest of Luci's story here>>


Luci ~

Luci ~

Though Luci is not my real name, but I've always wanted to go by it, and now I finally got the chance to. I'm a PR girl, who loves style and just trying to make it in a crazy world with my weird fri...

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