To all our Jordanian girls out there, we know the immense love you have for makeup and glam! So, we've gathered the top trending makeup artists in Jordan, that you'll definitely want to know and follow.
These Jordanian makeup artists have a diverse range of tastes and skills. Some like to play with fiery colors, and others take the neutral look a step further. However, they all fall under the same category of glamour. If you have an event or an occasion coming up, and you feel like you need a change, then check out this list of Jordan's trending makeup artists.
1. Amal Abdullah
2. Bob Berri
Instagram: @makeupbybob_
3. Jakob Sami Lambaz
Instagram: @jakoblambaz
4. Makeup by Manal
5. Nada Al-Agha
6. Pierre Lahoud
Instagram: @iampierrelahoud
7. Rashed Toghuji
Instagram: @makeupbyrashed
8. Sumaia Sabbagh
Instagram: @sumisabbagh
9. Talah Al-Alami
Instagram: @talaalami
10. Yelka Gutierrez
Instagram: @yelkagutierrez