Have you heard the news, "50 is the new 30!!" You all know the phrase that seems to occur around every birthday, every life changing event; age is just a number. The concept of age seems to be coming up a lot, I mean if you really think about it, it's involved in everything. When buying a toy, it will tell you it is suitable for which age. When you date, you usually ask, "how old is he?" If you wear a piece of clothing that is a bit out there, it is labeled, "not suitable for your age."
The question is, is there a way you should act, according to you age? More importantly, is how you treat your body and handle yourself now, going to affect you at a later age? Ask yourself this, if age and numbers were extinct and you were measured according to your looks, attitude and your thoughts, would you be the same age, as you're currently are labeled? I promise you, you will not even end up near to your current age.
So here are my thoughts:
1. Ditch the label
It might be easier said than done, but practice makes perfect.
2. Embrace the time you have in your day
If you want to act like a couch potato and just sit on the couch all day, just do that by all means. But time is precious, and you can't get back a day. You can be lazy at 20 and you can be super active by 50, it is your choice not the age number.
3. Take care of yourself
Your body is only at its best once. Take care of it now, to preserve it in your future.
4. Dress in what makes you feel sexy
I am not saying channel your inner Pretty Woman, but dress whatever way you like. Who said you can't wear sequins when you're old? Or even a floral headpiece.
5. It is NEVER too late
It is all about the initiative, so maybe you didn't travel to Croatia or start your own NGO. What is stopping you now? Age shouldn't be a factor, because you are still alive and reading this, then you can find the time.
6. Embrace your inner child
We all have one! As you grow old, you are loaded with more responsibility, but it's okay to act stupid and laugh like you are a kid from time to time.
7. Mums are superheroes
I know there is a common notion that being a mum means the end for a social life and 'me' time. However, if Beyonce can do it, so can you.
8. Sparkling is timeless
Always always always accessorize, whether it is with pearls or statement jewelry, you are never too old or too young for that.
9. Love is blindOlder or younger, love is love. You can't describe it, you just feel it and take a leap of faith. Though statistics say it is better to be with a partner with a good age difference, 90% of statistics are incorrect, and that is a statistic. See the irony in numbers.
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