When you have two babies to care for, having a solid routine is crucial. Try to feed them, change them, and put them down for naps at the same time. This takes coordination but saves time and energy in the long run. Get them on the same sleep schedule if possible. Having them nap together gives you time to rest or get things done. Be flexible but aim to establish a predictable routine.
Getting Help from Friends and Family
Don't be shy about asking for help, especially in the first few months. Having trusted friends or family members who can watch the babies for even an hour or two will give you a much-needed break. Take people up on offers to bring meals, help with chores, or run errands. Join local parent groups and make friends with other parents of multiples who understand the challenges. Build a support network.
Tackling Feeding Challenges
Feeding two babies simultaneously is difficult. Bottle props allow you to feed both at once. Or take turns holding each one. Pumping breastmilk allows your partner to help with feeds. If you breastfeed, use pillows to support both babies. Supplement with formula if needed. Keep feedings structured but don't stress if they get a bit off schedule. Stay patient and take it one feeding at a time.
Getting Out of the House
It may seem daunting, but getting out of the house is important for both you and your twins. When they are very young, choose somewhere quiet like a walk in the park. Use baby carriers to keep your hands free. As they get older, take them shopping, to baby groups, or other child-friendly places. Go during their calmest time of day and plan to leave when they get fussy. Being housebound with twins can be isolating, so make an effort to get out regularly.
Embracing the Chaos
Accept that raising twins will be demanding and chaotic at times. Remind yourself this is a temporary phase. When everything feels overwhelming, take a deep breath, prioritise what absolutely must get done, and let the rest go for now. Don't hesitate to lower your standards on things like cooking and cleaning. Appeal to your partner and others for extra help. Stay focused on giving your twins love and attention. The laundry and dirty dishes can wait.
Fostering Twin Siblings
Fostering siblings who are twins presents unique rewards and challenges. Twins often have an unbreakable bond, so keeping them together in the same foster home is ideal. However, providing care and attention to two same-aged children requires extra time and energy. Foster carers should have plenty of patience, stamina, and support. Setting up a structured routine is key to managing the doubled workload.
Looking After Yourself
With so much focus on the babies, it's easy for parents to neglect their own needs. But taking care of yourself is vital. Sleep whenever possible, even if just a 20-minute nap. Eat healthy meals and stay hydrated. Get fresh air and exercise when you can, even just a walk around the block. Make time for your relationship with your partner. Accept help from others so you can recharge.
Don't feel guilty about taking a break. You cannot pour from an empty cup.