How rough are your elbows and knees? They're not the smoothest right, because elbows and knees are two body parts that are often neglected and tend to be
more rough and dark than the rest of your skin. Since it's summer and
you probably have your elbows and knees more exposed than other times of
the year, give them more care and pamper yourself to get soft good
looking arms and legs. With simple steps, you can get rid of rough
elbows and knees, here's what you should do...
1. Exfoliation: We can't stress enough about the importance
of exfoliation to your body, it actually does wonders. Exfoliation
whether by dry brushing or using a body scrub helps your skin stay
smooth by removing the dead cells and increasing your blood circulation,
resulting in a healthy and glowing skin. Use a loofah or a brush in
circular motion while showering to get rid of rough elbows and knees, you will
feel the difference after a couple of times.
2. Moisturization: Keeping your skin moisturized is important
because it's a way of keeping your skin hydrated. It's essential that
you drink at least eight glasses of water per day to maintain a healthy
skin, but you should back that up by applying cream or baby oil to your
elbows and knees on a daily basis to get rid of any rough skin.
3. Homemade Remedies: Most homemade remedies to get rid of
rough elbows and knees contain lemon, for its ability to lighten
dark skin spots and remove dead cells. The easiest way is to cut a lemon
in half and rub it onto your elbows and knees for 10 minutes then wash
it off, this could be done twice per week right before you shower.
How to Get Rid of Rough Elbows and Knees












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