
The Benefits of Having Sex in Winter and the Winter Sex Positions to Try

Author Jasmine Kamal
The Benefits of Having Sex in Winter and the Winter Sex Positions to Try

Your sex life is absolutely essential in marriage, but sometimes things get in the way of your sex life, like the weather for example! I know this sounds ridiculous, but actually a lot of couples have trouble with having sex in winter. Because of the cold weather and the need to keep your body warm, adding to that the laziness of winter, your sexual activity starts to decrease gradually until it disappears throughout winter.

However, if you get to know the benefits of having sex in winter, you and your husband will definitely make sure it happens, a lot. We will talk today about everything related to sex in winter,  tips for how to have sex in winter, its benefits and the best winter sex positions.

Benefits of Having Sex in Winter

Yes, sex has A LOT benefits, especially during the winter, when we tend to feel down and get sick more often...

1. Sex releases endorphins

Endorphins are often called the "happiness hormones". They are one of the hormones that are responsible for our happiness, like serotonin. During sexual intercourse, neurons are stimulated to secrete endorphins, which peak during an orgasm. This explains the feeling of happiness, men and women get after climaxing. So if you or your husband get hit by the winter blue, your sex life can definitely help with that.

2. Sex boots your immune system

Our immunity gets weaker in winter, which is why we tend to get sick a lot. But did you know that  having sex can actually strengthen your immunity and protect your both from getting colds during the winter?

According to Psychology Today, a study by two psychologists was tested on a group of people who practiced sex around 3 to 4 times a week. They found that their saliva contained IgA, an antibody substance that increases with more sexual intercourse.

3. Sex reduces anxiety

In the winter, because it's really cold, we're more likely to get really stressed and anxious. Most studies confirmed that sex reduces stress and anxiety, so it is a great way to release tension and anxiety which affects so many people in winter. 

4. Men have a higher sex drive in winter

Yes, men get more sexual and have a higher sex drive in winter compared to the rest of the year. Also, in winter we tend to have a lot of layers on to keep us warm, which makes husbands long for their wives' bodies, which of course turns them on more. 

Tips for How to Have Sex in Winter

There are a few simple tricks that you can both do that will help you brave the cold in order to have sex during winter...

1. Have a warm drink before sex

Before, you start having sex, why not set a cosy romantic wintery mood? Have a warm drink together to heat your bodies and make you feel nice and relaxed.

2. Keep the bedroom heated

Keep the room you're going to use warm. Turn on the heater a couple of hours in advance, and reduce it once you're ready to go in. That way it will keep the room nice and toasty for whenever you're ready.

3. Massages with warm oils

Why not pamper each other a little bit?  Massage each other with relaxing, warm oils. It will get the blood circulating in your bodies and make you feel warm and relaxed.

4. A warm shower or bath

After sex, when you lie down for a bit you might start to feel cold, so you should try taking a warm shower immediately and put on heavy warm clothes. That way you will maintain your body's temperature.

Best Sex Positions for Winter

1. The missionary sex position

Although this is a very basic and traditional sex position, it is one of the best ones you can do in  the winter. The woman can just lie on her back with the man on top. Here he can cover them both with a blanket, which will keep them both warm until things start to heat up. 

2. The lotus sex position 

All you have to do is have him sit on the bed, with you sitting on his lap with your legs behind his back. With this sex position, you can also throw a cover over both of you in a tent-like shape.

3. Woman on top sex position

For the days he's feeling a bit lazy, let him lie on his back with you on top and take the lead. Find a comfy cover that protects you both from the cold. 

4. The polar bear sex position

This is a really good sex position for the winter. You can also call this the hug sex position because it's basically all about you two embracing each other with your hands and legs around each other. You can do this sitting or lying down. Because of this tight hug and closeness of your bodies, it will generate a lot of heat and warmth.

Main Image Credits: Tumblr Gallery

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Jasmine Kamal

Jasmine Kamal

Writing has always been my primary means of self-expression, allowing me to convey my dreams and pains with heartfelt sincerity. From a young age, I developed a deep love for the written word, and I n...

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