You want the secret for some killer abs? This simple workout is the key! That's why I started a series of features to concentrate more on this fat-burning exercise and its types. Strengthen your core muscles and tighten your abs to get flatter ones with this standard sit-up.
Some people think of sit-ups as this easy workout routine that only requires laying on your back and bending upwards for a couple of times, yet it's not as easy as it seems. Sit-ups are much more than that. It's very easy to do sit-ups in a wrong way. It's a technique that if not done properly it might not give the desired effects.
1. You need to lay down with your back flat on the floor, put your hands behind your head without flexing your back or arm muscles.
2. Your neck should be as straight and steady as possible. Inhale and lift your upper body part upwards towards your knees, keeping your legs bent with a 90 degrees position while placing your heels on the ground.
3. Hold your position for a second.
4. Exhale while returning to the first position.
5. Do this in repetitive sets for at least 30 times.
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